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Hello.I have enjoyed Awele for a long time. Programming enthusiast, I created my Awele software for mobile phones. It is very efficient and completely free. It has a very beautiful design, representing a real game with its seeds.The levels are well balanced to allow the beginner to win at child level,but make victory very difficult at level 4.It respects official rules of the International Oware Federation, http://www.oware.org/abapa.asp, used in tournaments.It runs on all Android mobile phones, that is, all except Apple iPhones.You can load it very easily and for free on the PlayStore, by searching for "AweleMaster" in one word, or by going directly here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mohorissDo not hesitate to rate it, or send me your opinions.With my most cordial greetings.Maurice TALAZACmohorisst@free.fr
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